Just do one thing at a time

Yesterday I had one of those days that started off on the wrong foot. The plans I made were unraveling, appointments were shifting, and I was going to be without a car. I spent about thirty minutes complaining about my dilemma and rejected well intentioned offers of help… then I woke up.

A still small voice said, “Just do one thing at a time.” So I did. One thing at a time… one after the other.

Later in the evening,  I realized that I had done everything on my list for the day, and I smiled. When I take care of what is in front of me, one step at a time, time seems to expand. When I look into the future and tell myself what can’t happen, time collapses in on me. I want to call it “wasting time,”  but I’m not sure that’s true. Perhaps I just needed to complain a bit … to work myself into remembering. To remember to be solidly in the moment. One moment. One day at a time.

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