I think therefore I am

Great article over at Psych Central called “7 Steps to Develop Awareness of Your Feelings and Thoughts” by Athena Staik, Ph.D.

Very simply, you want to become aware of what you tell yourself inside so that you—rather than your emotions—direct your choices. Your happiness depends on it.

1. Select a triggering situation to process.
2. Center yourself in the present with slow, deep breaths.
3. Identify and feel your emotions and feelings.
4. Feel and notice the location of any sensations in your body.
5. Accept your feelings, and be confident that you can handle the emotion(s) and sensations.
6. Identify what you tell yourself in your mind that is triggering any painful emotions.
7. Connect empathetically to understand and validate your experience.

This process mirrors the beginning of the process of “Transformation” as presented by Robert Gonzales. Robert’s work deepens the spiritual underpinnings of Nonviolent Communication in a way that can only be experienced…witnessed. He practices a process similar to Dr.Staik and adds the final connection to needs. The coup de grace.

Everything we do- every choice we make is an attempt to meet needs. Even when we are not aware, we are trying to meet our heart’s desires with every step and every word. When I can connect to myself at that place- at the heart of the matter- the magic starts to happen. Creative and previously elusive strategies start to emerge. It is pretty dang amazing!

Be a Mikey and "Try it, you'll like it."


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