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Nonviolent Communication

I think therefore I am

Great article over at Psych Central called “7 Steps to Develop Awareness of Your Feelings and Thoughts” by Athena Staik, Ph.D. Very simply, you want to become aware of what you tell yourself inside so that you—rather than your emotions—direct your choices. Your happiness depends on it. THE STEPS 1. Select a triggering situation to… Continue Reading


I recently mediated a case and was so struck by the parties’ need for empathy. They both wanted the exact same thing but and struggled to come up with the details of how to make it happen. Their past hurts were sitting in the middle of the table like a neon sign creating a wall… Continue Reading

What’s my need here?

We go through our days without an Instruction Manual. There is no referee to let us know when we hit the ball outside the lines or jump off sides. We learn, because we experience the consequences, and the learning is not always pretty. NVC gives me these simple instructions for communicating for connection. The more… Continue Reading


Anger is an honest human emotion. We use it to mobilize into constructive action and make great things happen. When anger acts to create good, it an awesome tool. (Ray Calabrese) For so many years, I thought “good girls don’t get angry.” I thought is so much that it became a core belief – those… Continue Reading


If I give up on half of what I want to make someone else happy or to avoid negative consequences, the results are short-lived, and we each get to share 50% of the leftover resentment. A shift in needs is different. If I am giving to you because it makes me happy to contribute to… Continue Reading

Meatloaf and Lampshades

I received this email from a friend, and I am sharing it with you with her permission. Enjoy! This morning my  husband and I were connecting at the breakfast table.  During our  conversation he said, ‘I don’t understand why you never make the same  meatloaf twice.  Once you perfect a dish why do you find… Continue Reading