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Nonviolent Communication

Feelings are Road Maps

Feelings are the road map… never the destination. When I forget and stop at the feelings, I can easily slip into resentment and start rehearsing the hurt or disappointment over and over again. I abandon myself and look to the actions of others for the solutions to my pain. When I remember, I let my… Continue Reading

Hurt people hurt people

I listened to a short video of Kelly Bryson speaking about Nonviolent Communication this morning, and his message is exactly what I needed to hear… Many of us live in families and communities where anger and pain is underneath the surface. In order to really have nonviolent communities and nonviolent families, we need to learn… Continue Reading

See Me Beautiful

I love it when I stumble upon something that makes my morning full. This morning it was a song written for children by Red Grammer… “See Me Beautiful” See me beautiful. Look for the best in me. It’s what I really am, and all I wanna be. It make take some time. It may be… Continue Reading

Empathy Defined

One of the foundational skills of Nonviolent Communication is empathy. Empathy is connecting to feelings and needs through listening, watching and noticing what someone is saying, feeling, and doing. Sometimes it is referred to as “listening with understanding.” What does this mean? It means to hear the thoughts and attitudes from the other person’s point… Continue Reading

Making Requests

In the language of NVC (Nonviolent Communication), we are more likely to get our needs met when we make requests that are doable and presented in positive action language. The requests should be as specific and clear as possible. Today I got the opportunity to review a request I have made several times to my… Continue Reading