The Heart of the Matter

The giraffe is the symbol for Compassionate Communication

Miracles happen. As a mediator I get to see it happen. I get to watch when the shift in perception happens- when the body relaxes into itself and connects to the heart of the matter. It is a beautiful thing.

What I know is that we all have this longing to be known. To be seen for who we really are. To matter. It is deep inside everyone of us and sometimes surges up to the surface veiled as a house or a car or a bank account. Getting underneath the stuff – getting to what really makes us tick is my intention in mediation. Because in that place where we we are all the same, sorting through marital assets looks a lot different.

What I know is that the key to unlocking the shackles is empathy. I think I am going to add Stephen Schartz’s words to my mediation opening..

We are here to reject nothing, and therefore we are not here to be right. We are not here to make anyone else wrong. We are here to make an illuminated discovery about ourselves which does not rest on anything other than equality of our seemingly divergent concerns. (The Compassionate Presence: Meeting and Greeting A Love That Will Not End p.3)

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